How to Confirm a Candidate's Dossier

How to Confirm a Candidate's Dossier

When a candidate and administrator have completed the dossier and clicked “submit”, the dossier will be sent to the “Unit Confirmer” and “Faculty Affairs” for approval before the “Internal Review” committees can start their review process. Someone must confirm the dossier for the unit before it is sent to Faculty Affairs for approval.

Tenure on Appointment dossiers only require a confirmation from the unit before the Internal Review committees can start their review process.

To complete the steps in this guide, you will need the unit_confirmer role in PROMOTE. If you do not have the roles you need, check out our user roles guide to learn how to request additional access.


To confirm a candidate’s submitted dossier, follow these steps.

  1. Log in to PROMOTE (promote.gatech.edu) using your Georgia Tech credentials.

  2. Select the correct process (Academic Promotion & Tenure, Research Faculty PromotionCritical Review, Academic Non-Tenure Track Faculty, or Tenure on Appointment).

  3. Scroll through the candidate grid for the process you selected to find the candidate’s row and click on their name in the leftmost column or Edit in the rightmost column to open the candidate’s dossier.

  4. Review all of the candidate’s information and uploaded components to ensure everything is accurate and formatted correctly.

  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the candidate’s dossier page and click Confirm.

If you find something that is incorrect and needs to be fixed on the dossier when reviewing it, you will need to reopen the candidate’s dossier by clicking Reopen instead of Confirm. For more information, check out our guide on reopening candidate dossiers.


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