PROMOTE Documentation



PROMOTE is an application that facilitates the promotion process for Georgia Tech Faculty members. Faculty members who are eligible for promotion will be added to Promote as a candidate in one of these profiles:

  • Academic Promotion & Tenure

  • Research Faculty Promotion

  • Critical Review

  • Academic Non-Tenure Track Promotions

  • Tenure on Appointment

The entire review process can be broken into 3 main sections:

  1. Candidate Dossier - where a candidate's core information and prepared materials get submitted into the PROMOTE system; confirmed by the unit and Faculty Affairs' after it is submitted

  2. External Review - where chairs and unit heads manage the process of soliciting letters from external reviewers to accompany the candidate dossier

  3. Internal Review - where candidate dossiers are reviewed by various committees of faculty members at Georgia Tech starting at the Unit-level reviews and ending at the President-level review

To understand more about how to work in and use PROMOTE, use the following two methods:

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Use the Documentation Tree to the left to find the help you need based on the user roles you have in the system. Not sure where to start?

  • If you are faculty member going up for promotion, tenure, or another review in one of the processes listed above, you are a candidate in the PROMOTE system.

    • Check out our Candidate Video Tutorials to see a walk-through of everything you’ll need to do in PROMOTE to get your materials uploaded and dossier submitted in the system.

  • If you are a faculty member that needs to review dossiers and provide a vote and/or letter as a part of a committee or as an individual reviewing the package (such as a Lab Director, Department Chair, Unit Head, Dean, etc.), you are a committee member in the PROMOTE system.

  • If you are an administrator at Georgia Tech that is responsible for facilitating some or all of the review process in PROMOTE, then you are likely an admin, external reviewer manager, and/or committee manager in the PROMOTE system.

    • Start with the Administrator Crash Course guide to get a high-level overview of what needs to happen to facilitate a review process in PROMOTE and help determine what parts you will or won’t be responsible for. Need more details or want to see a walk-through of what it means to be an administrator in PROMOTE? Check out our Administrator Video Tutorials of the entire PROMOTE process in detail, walking through each main section of PROMOTE.

👀 Frequently Asked Questions for PROMOTE






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