How to Delete a Candidate in PROMOTE

How to Delete a Candidate in PROMOTE

Delete candidates in PROMOTE that were added by mistake or candidates that decide to withdraw from their promotion, tenure, and/or review process early.

To complete the steps in this guide, you will need the admin role in PROMOTE. If you do not have the roles you need, check out our user roles guide to learn how to request additional access.


To delete a candidate in PROMOTE, follow these steps.

  1. Log in to PROMOTE (promote.gatech.edu) using your Georgia Tech credentials.

  2. Select the process you would like to delete a candidate from (Academic Promotion & Tenure, Research Faculty PromotionCritical Review, Academic Non-Tenure Track Faculty, or Tenure on Appointment).

  3. Scroll through the candidate grid for the process you selected, find the candidate’s row, and click Delete in the far right column of their row.

  4. Enter the reason that you are deleting that candidate from PROMOTE in the pop-up window, then click Delete.


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