How to Upload Documents to a Candidate Dossier on behalf of the Candidate
Help candidates upload files to their dossier before they submit it in PROMOTE.
To complete the steps in this guide, you will need the admin role in PROMOTE. If you do not have the roles you need, check out our user roles guide to learn how to request additional access.
To upload documents to a candidate’s dossier, follow these steps.
Log in to PROMOTE ( using your Georgia Tech credentials.
Select the correct process (Academic Promotion & Tenure, Research Faculty Promotion, Critical Review, Academic Non-Tenure Track Faculty, or Tenure on Appointment).
Scroll through the candidate grid for the process you selected to find the candidate’s row and click on their name in the leftmost column or Edit in the rightmost column to open the candidate’s dossier.
On the dossier page, scroll down to the Components section.
Identify the specific component box for the document you’d like to upload and click +Add to open the component box. Each component will require a slightly different upload process. Select the correct process below to see how to upload the documents for your specific candidate’s components.