Adding candidates is the first step to get a promotion, tenure, and/or review process started in PROMOTE.
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To complete the steps in this guide, you will need the admin role in PROMOTE. If you do not have the roles you need, check out our user roles guide to learn how to request additional access. |
\uD83D\uDCD8 Instructions
To add a candidate in PROMOTE, follow these steps.
Log in to PROMOTE ( using your Georgia Tech credentials.
Select the process you would like to add a candidate to (Academic Promotion & Tenure, Research Faculty Promotion, Critical Review, Academic Non-Tenure Track Faculty, or Tenure on Appointment).
Click +Add Candidate at the top right of the candidate grid.
Using the Search bar at the top of the page, search for the candidate , enter the name, Georgia Tech email, employee ID#, or GT ID# of the person you wish to add into PROMOTE as a candidate and select the correct Georgia Tech person from the list of results dropdowndisplayed.
Ensure the pre-populated information for the candidate information at the top of the page is correct, and make any changes to the information as necessary.
Click Save.
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Tenure on Appointment candidates do not have a search and info pre-populating ability, due to the candidates not being in Georgia Tech's systems yet. Admins working in the Tenure on Appointment process will need to enter all of the information at the top of the candidate dossier manually. |
6. Click Save.
Note |
Adding a candidate in the system will trigger an automatic email from PROMOTE that is sent to the candidate, informing them that they are able to begin uploading materials on their dossiers. This applies to the Academic Promotion & Tenure, Research Faculty Promotion, Critical Review, and Academic Non-Tenure Track processes. |
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