Package Creation in Progress - Package has been created but not yet submitted for approvals yet. Package is still editable by all administrators in the appropriate org. This status is set automatically in the system.
Awaiting Approvals - Package is in the process of receiving all necessary approvals. Check the Approvals tab on the package to see exactly what org the package is awaiting approvals from. This status is set automatically in the system.
Awaiting Decision - Package has been fully approved by all involved orgs and is awaiting the decision from the faculty member. This status is set automatically in the system.
Awarded - Package terms have been agreed upon by the faculty member and awarded to them. This status is set manually by the administrator.
Declined - Package terms have been declined by the faculty member/sponsoring organization. This status is set manually by the administrator.
Withdrawn - Package terms have been withdrawn by Georgia Tech. This status is set manually by the administrator.
Tip |
You can view the status of a package in any of the following places in GT-TRACS:
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