Sending Emails to External Reviewer/Evaluators to Request Letters in PROMOTE
Note |
This External Review stage is NOT applicable to the Critical Review process, or any Research Faculty Promotion candidates that are NOT going up for promotion to a Principle role. |
Navigate to the candidate's External Reviewer Manager page.
For a step-by-step guide on how to find this page for a specific candidate, check out our detailed user guide on finding the external reviewer manager page.
Add any reviewer suggestions not already listed in the Suggested Reviewers grid.
For more details, check out our detailed user guide on how to add and edit reviewer suggestions.
Select the reviewers you would like to email by clicking +Add.
Optionally, set up your email defaults form by clicking Manage Email Defaults and filling out the form to the default information that you would like your emails to include. When you're finished setting your defaults, click Save.
Click Send Email for the selected reviewer you would like to email.
If you don't see the Send Email button for your selected reviewers, you will need to reach out to Faculty Affairs to request the correct permissions in the system so that you can send emails to reviewers. If you see the Send Email button for your selected reviewers but it is greyed out, then you need to ensure the candidate has a Biosketch and CV uploaded to their dossier before you can send any reviewer emails.
Review their email form (which should be populated with the email defaults set above) and make any changes as necessary for the email to that particular reviewer. Use the Body Preview section to review what the reviewer will be receiving in the content of their email.
Select the reviewer's Salutation.
Send the email by clicking Send at the bottom of the email window.
Info |
Reviewers that receive their letter request emails through the PROMOTE system will be able to accept or deny the request to write a letter as well as view the candidate's appropriate dossier materials and upload their letters in the system themselves. If a reviewer doesn't use the system to indicate their response to the request or upload their letter, check out our detailed user guide on working in the details section for external reviewers to do this process on behalf of the reviewer. Check out our detailed user guides on managing external reviewer information and letter collection and sending reminder emails for more information on the external reviewer letter process in PROMOTE. |
Managing Committees to Review the Candidate Dossiers in PROMOTE