Helping Candidates Prepare their Dossiers in PROMOTE
Note |
Unlike the other processes, the candidates in the Tenure on Appointment process do not do anything in PROMOTE with their own dossier. The administrator is responsible for uploading all of the candidate information and submitting the dossiers for Tenure on Appointment candidates. For more information |
, check out our detailed user guide on submitting Tenure on Appointment dossiers. For a quick overview of helping candidates in all of the other processes in PROMOTE, check out the steps below. |
Ensure the pre-populated information at the top of the dossier page is correct and make sure that your candidates review their information for accuracy as well. For Tenure on Appointment candidates, enter all of the information at the top manually. Make any edits as necessary and click Save.
Candidates cannot edit the pre-populated information at the top of their dossier themselves. If a candidate notices anything that is incorrect, they will need to reach out to an administrator to have them correct the information.
Note that you will lose the ability to edit the information at the top of the candidate dossier once the candidate submits the their completed dossier.
Help the candidates upload any of their dossier components as necessary.
Note that only the candidate can upload an Access Waiver, as this component requires a digital signature that only a candidate can provide.
For a step-by-step guide on uploading materials, check out our detailed user guide on how to upload materials for candidates in PROMOTE.
Optionally, add coaches to the candidates' dossiers before they submit. Coaches can view a candidate's dossier in PROMOTE and make suggestions for how the dossier can be improved.
For more information on coaching in PROMOTE, check out our detailed user guide on adding and deleting coaches, managing coaches' access, and emailing coaches in the system.
Ensure that all candidates are aware of the deadline to submit their dossiers.
Deadlines vary by department and process and are not enforced inside the system. It is up to the administrators to communicate any internal department deadlines and ensure they are met by the candidates.
Note that in all processes except Tenure on Appointment, only candidates can submit their dossiers. Administrators cannot do this on their behalf.
After the candidates submit their dossiers, the dossiers must be confirmed by the unit and then Faculty Affairs. Only a select few administrators in the system will be able to complete the unit confirmation for the dossiers. For more information on dossier confirmation, check out our detailed user guide on confirming candidate dossiers.
Sending Emails to External Reviewer/Evaluators to Request Letters in PROMOTE