Log in to PROMOTE (promote.gatech.edu) using your Georgia Tech credentials.
Select the correct process (Academic Promotion & Tenure, Research Faculty Promotion, Academic Non-Tenure Track Faculty, or Tenure on Appointment).
Scroll through the candidate grid for the process you selected to find the candidate’s row and click Manage Reviewers (or Manage Evaluators in the Research Faculty Promotion process) in the rightmost column to navigate to that candidate’s External Reviewer Manager screen.
Under the Suggested Reviewers section, click the +Add Reviewer (or +Add Evaluator in the Research Faculty Promotion process) on the right side of the screen.
Enter the reviewer's information in the corresponding fields of the pop up.
Click the Source drop-down list and choose the option that best represents where this reviewer suggestion is coming from.
If you are a school chair/unit head/lab director entering in your three reviewer suggestions for this candidate or you are an administrator entering in a chair's/unit head’s/lab director’s suggestions on their behalf, select chair.
If you are entering reviewer suggestions on behalf of a committee, select committee.
If you are entering a reviewer suggestion that the candidate would like to add after they have submitted their dossier, select candidate by admin.
Fill in the Biosketch, Collaboration, and Known Conflict of Interest? fields with the reviewer’s information as you are able.
Click Save.
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